
Healing Prayer – How to Activate the Power of Prayers to Heal in 5 Steps

A story in Luke 8:43-48 shows the power of faith in the healing process. Sometimes we think that perhaps God has forsaken us, but the story shows us that through faith everything that afflicts us can be healed immediately.

The story in question is about the woman who had bled for twelve years. The bible tells us that she had spent almost all of her wealth on doctors but she did not get better.

I know many of us can relate to this story because we know or have come into contact with someone with an illness that has afflicted them for many years.

However, the woman in the story did not lose hope. When she heard that Jesus, was passing by, she decided to follow Him. Let’s examine that for a moment, the woman chose to follow Jesus without having met Him before.

This means she believed that Jesus could make her better. The woman’s faith was rewarded when upon touching Jesus’ garment, she became healed. This is a great story of how faith and taking action heals.

Thus, whether you are suffering from an unexplained illness or you have a condition that you would like God to heal, just have faith. And by faith, it is more than just prayer, take initiative and seek out God’s miracle healing.

Science has revolutionized the way humans live, and it has even influenced our belief system to a certain extent. But what happens when science, medicine, doctors and even money can’t help? This is where faith comes in right, wrong!.

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Don’t forget to check out our post on “Healing Prayer – 21-mighty prayers and inspirational quotes for healing

Turning to God should be the first, not the last resort. Here’s how you can activate the power of prayers to heal in five steps.

Step 1 – Have Faith

Having faith is perhaps the most important step in healing prayers. However, most people confuse having faith in confessing faith. True faith comes from actions and by believing in the word of God.

From the story above, the woman did not pray, she just believed that by touching Jesus’ garment she would be healed. This is a testament to what faith can do. Believe that God has a purpose for you and that He has not forsaken you.

Interestingly, the story from Luke Chapter 8 was about Jesus going to heal Jairus’ daughter. However, after the woman was healed, Jairus was informed that his daughter had died and that he didn’t have to bother Jesus anymore.

When you are told that the condition has no cure or there is no alternative treatment, it is easy to lose hope. However, faith is hoping and believing that the impossible will happen. When Jairus had that his daughter had died, he did not lose hope and Jesus reassured him.

Luke 8:50, “Don’t be afraid. Just trust me, and she will be all right.” God is always there for us, even when we feel hopeless, and nothing seems to get better. Have faith that everything will be alright and pray.

Step 2 – Act on Faith

Acting on your faith involves praying and doing anything that reaffirms your belief in God. Faith without action is dead, thus it is very important that during the healing process you act on your faith.

Go to church, associate with other Christians and fellowship with other people who might be going through the same experience. This will help you grow as a Christian and it will make your Healing Prayer more effective.

From the story in Luke Chapter 8, the woman had faith and she also acted on it by following Jesus through the crowd and touching His garment. This shows that praying alone may not do the trick, you’ll have to put in the work.

Step 3 – Base Your Healing Prayer on the Bible

The word of God is the best source of inspiration when you are praying for healing. Reading the Bible helps you understand that God is with you and that He can do anything. The Bible also reinforces faith thus making the Power of Prayer more effective.

Basing your prayer on the Bible is also important because it helps you know how to pray. This is very important and many Miracles Healing often occur when based on the Bible.

Reading the Bible also gives you comfort and helps you realize how you should live after you’ve been healed. Prayer is having a conversation with God, and you need to know God’s word to communicate with Him more effectively.

It is written in the book of James 4:3, “And even when you do ask, you don’t get it because your whole motive is wrong- you want only what will give you pleasure.”

Thus, reading the Bible helps you know God’s will and helps base your healing prayers for the right reasons. When you read the Bible, you get spiritually nourished and this goes a long way in helping you pray.

Often when we face challenges that seem to question our faith, we may lose hope and even become resigned to the fact that we may never get better. However, reading the Bibles dispels all our fears and reminds us that nothing can separate us from the love of God.

This is found in Romans 8:38 “And I am convinced that nothing can separate us from His love. Death can’t, and life can’t. The angels can’t, and the demons can’t. Our fears for today, our worries about tomorrow, and even the powers of hell can’t keep God’s love away.”

Such passages not only give you hope, but they also reassure and encourage you. Read such passages in the Bible and ensure that they are somewhere you can see every day.

Step 4 – Repent

Confessing your sins helps you unburden your soul and puts you on the right path to seeking God’s forgiveness and favor. Repenting is also an opportunity for you to examine your life, the decisions you’ve made and how well you’ve treated other people.

Repentance helps you change and become the person that lives according to God’s will. This makes it easy for you to make powerful healing prayers. Even in the Bible many of the people that Jesus healed, he forgave.

This can be seen in Matthew 9:2, “Some people brought to Him a paralyzed man on a mat. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralyzed man, “Take heart, son! Your sins are forgiven.” Seeking God’s forgiveness is one of the most important steps in receiving divine healing.

This is evident in James 5;16. The Bible asks us to repent of our sins to each other and pray for one another so that we can receive healing. The earnest prayers of a righteous individual have massive power and great outcomes.

Step 5 – Make Healing Prayers a Habit

If you expect that things will immediately get better, that’s a wrong approach. Pray habitually and let it become a part of your daily routine. This will help you grow in faith and increase the power of prayers.

Praying consistently will also help you pray for more than just miracles healing, you may pray for numerous things such as wisdom, increase in faith, a good job and for your family’s welfare. Praying habitually also helps you get better at communicating with God.

Praying for healing is also a lengthy process and praying habitually helps you remain hopeful that things will change. Praying regularly will also help you anticipate those great things to happen.

Also,  you can make a journal record of the prayers you have made. This will help you remain on track and also, it’s a great way to know if the prayers are working. You can also read the prayers to remind yourself how much God has done for you and what He can do for you.

You should also pray together with other people. Forming a prayer group is a good way of making sure that you create time for regular healing prayers. The group should consist of faithful people.

Praying for healing in a group is more effective because of the increase in faith. Moreover, a prayer group is a great source of support. This is very important because it prevents you from feeling alone and helps you grow in faith.

A prayer group also helps you pray for other people who may be going through different challenges. The bottom line is that whether or not you’re in a group, healing prayers require consistency and persistence.

In Summary, Get on Your Knees, and Pray!.

Although it is hard to have faith and remain hopeful when we or any of our loved one is sick, God is always there for us. Praying for healing is very easy if you follow the steps outlined above.

Remember that whatever you’re going through, God is more powerful and He will grant you miracle healing. The power of prayers exceeds anything on earth and praying faithfully gives you the power to overcome any challenge.

No matter how hard it is to remain hopeful during hard times, remember that you are a child of God and He can give you anything you want.

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